2 de julio de 2010

"Serial Killer"

Poema escrito por Lemmy Kilmister,que forma
parte del álbum "Hamered" (2002) de Motörhead.

Hoy lo agrego a este blog con la intención de compartirlo
pues habrá quien no lo conozca,y sin duda vale la pena.

I am the serial killer
I am the bloody hand
I am the chief whore taker
I am the chosen one.

I am the red straight razor,
The one who bathes in blood;
I am the boogey-man, I am
The empty yawning hood,
Look not for pity, no;
I am the heartless man,
I come to fix all things,
I am the one man band.

You cannot yet imagine,
How you will dance for me;
But you will dance forever
To the tune that I decree.
The kingdom of the worm,
Is all things to us all,
But I will teach you many things,
before I let you fall.

I am the black dead nightmare.
I bring a light so bright;
To illuminate the path we take;
I show the way that all hearts break,
And I will see the old world's back be broken

As we descend into the awful

